Magic Land of Toys
A Room Full of Toys. The Magical Characters of Childhood
More than 500 rare and beautiful toys from the renowned collection of Paris' Musée des Arts Décoratifs, photographed by Michel Pintado in tableaux of children's playrooms from 1870 to the present, alternate with original texts that playfully mingle the real and the imaginary, truth and fiction. Foreward by Béatrice Salmon. Art direction by Jean Haas, assistant Simon Saulnier. With catalogue appendix of all toys in order of appearance.

> International Editions
< Overview Non-Fiction
Magic Land of Toys Magic Land of Toys  
London, 2006
Thames & Hudson
224 p., 493 illustr., 85 in col.


New York, 2006
The Vendome Press
224 p., 493 illustr., 85 in col.